题目:给定一个非负整数 n ,请计算 0 到 n 之间的每个数字的二进制表示中 1 的个数,并输出一个数组。
示例 1:
// 输入: n = 2
// 输出: [0,1,1]
// 解释:
// 0 --> 0
// 1 --> 1
// 2 --> 10
示例 …
题目:给定一个非负整数 n ,请计算 0 到 n 之间的每个数字的二进制表示中 1 的个数,并输出一个数组。
示例 1:
// 输入: n = 2
// 输出: [0,1,1]
// 解释:
// 0 --> 0
// 1 --> 1
// 2 --> 10
示例 …
给定两个 01 字符串 a 和 b ,请计算它们的和,并以二进制字符串的形式输出。
输入为 非空 字符串且只包含数字 1 和 0。
示例 1:
// 输入: a = "11", b = "10"
// 输出: "101"
示例 2:
// 输 …
题目:输入2个int型整数,它们进行除法计算并返回商,要求不得使 用乘号'*'、除号/及求余符号'%'。当发生溢出时,返回最大的整数值。假设 除数不为0。例如,输入15和 2,输出 15/2的结果,即 …
As a reverse engineer, I often use IDA Pro in my daily work. This is not surprising, as IDA Pro is the industry standard (although alternatives such as radare2 and Hopper are becoming increasingly popular). One of the most powerful features of IDA that I recommended all reverse engineers is the Python extension, aptly named 'IDAPython', which exposes a large number of IDA …
Pelican is a static site generator, written in Python. Highlights include: - Write your content directly with your editor of choice in reStructuredText or Markdown formats - Includes a simple CLI tool to (re)generate your site - Easy to interface with distributed version control systems and web hooks - Completely static output is easy to host anywhere
Pelican’s feature highlights include: - Articles (e.g., blog posts …
因为zsh缺省情况下始终自己解释这个firefox*,而不会传递给adb logcat来解释。 在~/.zshrc中加入: setopt no_nomatch, 然后进行source .zshrc命令
package com.ushaqi.zhuishushenqi.reader.txtreader.activity;
public class ReaderNewActivity{
private void a(FineBookConfigBean bean){
// 章节解密密码
frida-server : 12.8.19
xz -d frida-server-12.8.19-android-arm64.xz
adb push frida-server-12.8.19-android-arm64 /data/local/tmp/frida-server-arm64
adb shell
cd /data/local/tmp
chown root:root frida-server-arm64
chmod a+x frida-server-arm64
Unable to preload: Unable to access process with pid 402 …
kotlinc -version
java -version
grep -Erl "M\\('local" .|xargs sed -Ei "" "s/M\\('local/M\\('remote/g"
grep -Erl "http://loca" .|xargs sed -Ei "" "s/http:\/\/local/http:\/\/remote/g"